Spirit Visions
MULATEIRO Hapé - Yawanawa Tribe
MULATEIRO Hapé - Yawanawa Tribe
Mulateiro (Calycophyllum sprucceanum)
This blend comes from the Yawanawa tribe and is known for its powerful strength and many healing benefits. It is a grounding blend that enables concentration and focus.
Mulateiro is a tree found in the Amazon, it has been used since ancient times for its restorative, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial properties, as well as treating diabetes and skin cancer. The mulateiro is used to release tension in the right and left cerebral lobes, allowing our body, mind, and spirit to re-align in balance and become centered.
The properties of this hapé are rejuvenation, anti-anxiety, calming, and centering. It is also a wonderful hapé before bed and to treat insomnia as it calms the mind and the nervous system.
It is said that the Amazonian female warriors bathed on the night of the full moon with a preparation made of the bark of the Mulateiro tree to remain always young and beautiful, hence, the Mulateiro was known among the tribes as the tree of youth.
Men also drink the tea of this tree for virility, strength, and stamina.
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I love the frequency of the medicine from this shop. You can feel the love and power in their medicine and products.
Always High quality and the fastest delivery . Love it
This blend really helps elevate my energies when I am feeling anxiety or depression!! Very cleansing!
I love this blend. Moderately strong and smooth. Super grounding and felt very heart opening!
Very grounding and nurturing blend. calms the mind and brings so much peace.